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- 3c5 SIDNEY EARL DANIELSON, b. August 23, 1897, Hendricks, Minn, (wf) Alene Sylvia Zimmerman, b. April 1, 1910, Janesville, Minn. Married Aug. 16, 1930 at Janesville, Minn. Sidney is a veteran of World War I, with the rank of sergeant, Engineers. He graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. degree majoring in cereal chemistry in 1921, and attended post-graduate school in 1923-24. He was employed by the Quaker Oats Company in 1921 to 1923 at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. In 1924 he was re-employed by the Quaker Oats Company as Chief Chemist of the plant at Akron, Ohio, until 1942 when he was transferred to the company's Ammunition Loading Plant, the Q. O. Ordinance Co., Grand Island, Neb., as plant superintendent. Since 1943 he has been manager of the Quaker Oats Company plant at Depew, New York. He was president of the Mercator Club in Akron, Ohio, in 1940, Ruling Elder in the First Presbyterian Church at East Aurora, N. Y, in 1949-52. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, Associated Industries of New York State and is a member of the food committee of the Chamber of Commerce, Buffalo, N. Y., and for the past five years, 1950-55 has been an area chairman of the Community Chest of Buffalo and Erie County. Alene is and has been active in primary church school activities. Sidney's hobbies are athletics and photography. Children born ro rhem are Richard (3c5a) and Marcia (3c5b). They reside at 466 South Street, East Aurora, N. Y. [1]